Okay 90s babies…Remember AOL Instant Messenger??
Get this boy meets girl story. It was high school freshman orientation. Will noticed Christine right away and was able to snag her aim screen name from a friend – y’all, Will even remembers what Christine was wearing that day! How sweet is that?!
After a few aim chats, Christine and Will learned that they had a class together, and were of course so excited! The first day of school came and Christine worked up the nerve to wave to Will when she saw him in class, but you guys!! He didn’t wave back…So embarrassing!
Luckily Christine was able to look past the wave-incident and they sat together at lunch the next day (you KNOW how big of a deal this is, right?!). They hit it off and have been together since!! This was FIFTEEN years ago!! They’re now married and have an absolutely adorable little boy, who got to spend some special time with grandma and grandpa while I captured all the love that these two beautiful friends share! Meet Will & Christine!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Will later admitted he got super nervous seeing Christine, so he froze up and didn’t wave back. Oh, young love 🙂